Best Summer Plants For Your Balcony Gardens

Best Summer Plants For Your Balcony Gardens

The bright summer, fueled by the rising temperatures, transforms our gardens and green spaces into an oasis of beauty and serenity. But if you have limited yard space or if you live in an apartment, a balcony garden could be ideal. A balcony garden could become your haven that provides tranquillity and a bit of vibrancy in your busy life. You don’t have to restrict yourself only to foliage; why not aim for a full-fledged flower garden that’ll enhance your balcony’s appearance? In this blog, we bring you the best summer plants for your balcony gardens that’ll transform your open space into a colourful haven. If you’re a beginner, don’t worry; these summer plants are easy to manage and won’t require extensive care. 

1. Colourful Petunia


Petunias are a great choice for a flowering plant that offers a range of colours, like purple, orange, pink, yellow, and white. You can opt for a range of colours to be placed along your balcony railing. 

Make sure that your petunias receive six hours of sunlight and regular watering for healthy blooming. The ideal soil for petunias is rich and porous, with a soil pH between 6.0 and 6.5. Choose a soil mixture of fully decomposed compost and soil mixtures that are thriving with organic mutter. 

Plant Benefits 

  • Petunias can help with cross-pollination and biodiversity as these plants attract pollinators such as bees, hummingbirds, and butterflies.
  • You’ll also benefit from eco-friendly pest control, as petunias can ward off pests like aphids, tomato worms, leafhoppers, etc., by attracting helpful insects. 
  • These vibrant plants are also versatile in landscaping placements since you can place them on hanging baskets, garden beds, borders, or even as ground cover. 


2. Glowing Marigold

One of the most common flowers in India is the marigold. Also known as “genda phool,” these flowers are used on auspicious occasions and as offerings to deities, as it is believed that they ward off evil. Marigolds come in yellow, orange, and red shades and can be easily grown in your choice of container. 

These glowing plants require a soil pH between 6.0 and 7.0 and need to bask under the full sun. Marigolds also prefer organically rich soil and adequate watering to flourish.  

Plant Benefits 

  • There are many health benefits to marigold petals. Traditional medicine uses these petals as infusions or ointments to treat stomach ulcers, burns and wounds, fever, jaundice, pink eye, and more.
  • Marigolds attract beneficial insects such as hoverflies, ladybirds, and parasitic wasps, helping plants to protect from pests like aphids and others. 
  • The fragrance of this golden flower can also chase away cabbage worms, mosquitoes, and other critters. 

Did you know? According to Vastu, marigolds must be placed in the north or east directions. Also, among the three colours, marigolds in yellow are considered to symbolise optimism and good luck. 

3. Intoxicating Gardenia

gardenia - best summer plants

Named after a Scottish naturalist, Alexander Garden, these gorgeous white blooms emit an intoxicating fragrance. But remember, gardenias can be toxic to cats and dogs, so make sure your furry friend stays away from this plant. 

These beauties require four to six hours of sunlight and prefer a soil pH of 5.0 to 6.5. Make sure the soil you use is organically rich, well-draining and loamy. Gardenias cannot go long without watering, so make them happy by giving them an inch of water per week.

Plant Benefits 

  • Gardenia extracts may reduce insulin resistance and help reduce anxiety and fatigue.
  • This flower can also help improve digestion and boost immunity.
  • They are versatile plants and can be used in container gardens, as hedges, and even as small evergreen trees. 

4. Vibrant Begonia


If you’re looking for a low-maintenance garden classic, then begonias would be your perfect solution and one of the best summer plants. While some begonias resemble roses, some have a display of colourful leaves. With over 2000 varieties, you’ll be spoiled with options for your balcony garden. 

Begonias require bright and indirect light and cannot tolerate severe weather. So make sure that your balcony has partial sunlight and organically rich but light soil for your plant to thrive. Water your begonias regularly, and if you’re hands-on, you can use high-potash fertiliser every week. 

Plant Benefits 

  • These vibrant flowers are used as edible decor in mocktails and cocktails.
  • It also has therapeutic properties that help relieve digestive issues, works as a laxative, and is anti-inflammatory. 

5. Sweetly-Fragrant Arabian Jasmine

jasmine - best summer plants

The Arabian jasmine is a common-favourite of everyone and is also known as mogra. It’s fragrance is much-loved especially by women who prefer to use it as a natural perfume. Other than being a great addition to balcony gardens, these radiant flowers are also used in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. 

For your mogra plant to flourish, make sure that the soil is well-drained, has a humid atmosphere, and that you water it regularly. You can expect your Arabian jasmine to bloom through the summer and monsoon, although some of the Mogra varieties can bloom throughout the year. 

Plant Benefits 

  • Jasmine tea has properties that can help improve cardiovascular health and act as an antioxidant. 
  • The sweet fragrance of the mogra has calming effects and helps remove stress. 
  • Soak fresh mogra flowers for 30 minutes in warm water and use the water on your skin to achieve flawlessness. 


best summer plants

A note to remember if you’re planning to keep flowering plants on your balcony, make sure they can flourish under direct sunlight and don’t require much maintenance. Simply put, the ideal plants that would transform your garden into a magical space are those that fall into the following categories:

  • Can survive high heat (occasionally)
  • Can survive a drought of a few days
  • Don’t require much fertiliser
  • Can grow in limited space

Another important point is to always opt for weather-resistant and durable pots, such as those made of fibreglass or plastic. 

So go ahead and pick a few of your favourites that can be the best summer plants for you and start building your little piece of heaven on your balcony. 


The information provided on this blog is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from a physician or other health care professional. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this blog.

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